
Our Program Overview

A Commitment to Excellence

Our school aims at offering all our children an age appropriate program that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.

Our Waddler and Toddler programs focus on life skill training, while Preschool, Pre-K and Kindergarten programs gradually add on the academic curriculum, such as Theme, English, Chinese and Math classes. 

Waddler (age 1)

Our teachers focus on basic life skill training, such as walking, using simple words to communicate, learning to share toys, feeding herself or himself without lots of help, and following a one-step instruction.

Toddler (age 2)

Our Toddler program primarily focuses on life skill training for children. Teachers will teach children to eat by herself or himself, to sleep with little help, to follow one or two steps instructions, and to line up to walk. Potty training is one major aspect of this program.

Preschool (age 3)

Everyday, our Preschool program teaches an English class, a Chinese class and a theme class. Each class takes 30 minutes. The goal of English class is to learn letter recognition and sound recognition about the 26 letters, both upper case and lower case. There is a theme topic each week enabling children to practice their hands-on skills and to learn about the world. Chinese class focus on 看图说话、古诗背诵、笔画描红、听故事和读儿歌。

Pre-K (age 4)

Pre-K program teaches English class, Chinese class, Math class and Theme class. Each class takes 45 minutes. English class will teach vocabulary, sight words, decodable reading comprehension and journal writing. Math class will teach number counting, shapes, simple addition, number bonds, capacities and a few other basic match concept and skill. Chinese class teaches 拼音、认字、写字,简单句子阅读,和背诵古诗。Theme class includes more advanced topics such as Olympic games, outer space, 3D shapes etc。

Kindergarten (age 5)

Kindergarten program is the continuing of Pre-K program, teaching English class, Chinese class, Math class and Theme class. English class will continue teaching vocabulary, sight words, decodable reading comprehension and journal writing. Math class will teach more advanced topics, such as time, comparing numbers, money, addition within 20 etc. Chinese class will continue teaching 拼音、认字、写字,阅读,和背诵古诗。Theme class have topics such as Mexican Fiesta etc.